
Showing posts from May, 2023

Early Stages

 Early Stages Scales The first challenge I came across was to find an effective method to put the scales on the snakes. It had to be quick, but also consistent each time to emulate the scales on real life snakes. I ended up 3D printing a scale 'printing' tile, which would transfer the texture of the scales onto the clay. Although this was meant to just be a practice piece which I would revise and change the size and depth if needed, it turned out great so I have used this for all my snakes. We rounded the top surface (the top and bottom edges are more shallow with a peak in the centre) so I could roll the tile over the snake and reduce any harsh, inorganic, lines, as well as to reduce the chance of the tile getting stuck to the clay. Heads For the first snake, I attempted to follow a tutorial by ' MP Gautheron ', but I wasn't very happy with the final result. In my opinion the head looked more like a Crested or Leopard Gecko than any snake I was trying to make. The

Snake Symbolism and Mythology

 Snake Symbolism and Mythology Symbolism Serpents and snakes have been associated with both good and evil throughout history and different cultures, representing life and death, creation and destruction. The Ancient Chinese connected serpents with life-giving rain, as many live in or around the water, as well as traditional beliefs in Australia, India, North America and Africa link serpents with rainbows and in turn, with rain and fertility.  Fertility, rebirth, transformation, immortality and healing are all things commonly associated with snakes due to the way they shed their skin in order to grow. The act symbolises getting rid of your old life and past mistakes in order to grow and evolve. The Hopi people of North America performed an annual snake dance to celebrate the union of Snake Youth (a Sky spirit) and Snake Girl (an underworld spirit) and to renew the fertility of nature. During the dance, live snakes were used, and were later released into the fields to guarantee good crop