Online Profiles

 Online Profiles

Why Do Artists Need An Online Profile?

A website, blog or social media can be a great way to let the general public, and potential buyers, know who you are and what you do, provided it's done correctly. You can showcase your portfolio, and even sell your own work without the need for a middleman. It can also be a great way to enhance the perception of professionalism without having to work your way through galleries and word of mouth.

Social media is a great tool to use as an artist, people can look at your art and become interested by accident, therefore widening your potential buyers pool very quickly. Due to this however, it's important to constantly update your page (wether it be on social media or a website) because as there is so much information, and other artists, out there, so you need to hook your audience in, and most importantly, keep them engaged. 

My Online Profile

During my Foundation Fine Art Degree I have already created an online profile, this blog, but I also have a dedicated art Instagram Page (@lizzie.fda). 

On these sites, I have been able to document my journey as a beginner artist, and hopefully allow a wider audience to view my work. This way, once I graduate and look into professional jobs in the art world, I will have one foot in the door already, allowing potential employers to see who I am and what I make with one simple link. 

The next step in this process is to make my own website. This would be a place to store my complete portfolio alongside academic and artistic achievements. This way anyone interested in my art would have a simple and convenient place to stop and look at my work, without the distractions of my own personal research or other unimportant things. 

Online Profiles That I Like

Maegan Guerette

These images are from Maegan's 'info' section on her website. I like how clean the design is, only showing the relevant information, whilst being easy to read and easy to navigate. She has a link to her photo blog, as well as clean and straight forward links to her social medias and to specific photo shoots and photo 'types', for example 'Tying The Knot', and 'Mere Moments'.

Mel Volkman

Mel is a fine artist based in Maine and her website has a very clean and simple design, which allows the focus to go to her artworks. This focuses on showcasing her work and selling prints, and so is regularly updated with new work, with a link to her own newsletter. 

Jason Arkles

I find Jason's website quite interesting. It feels a little 'clunky' and old, yet also very clean and modern. The main page's photo switches between three different sculptures, each with their own links to the pages. You can go to the straight from the picture on the main page, or by selecting the page through the links at the top. Jason also has his own podcast, which he links through his site, even adding an iTunes link button at the bottom. He also teaches in Florence, subsequently adding all the necessary information for this, even a moveable map on the contacts page. I think this is a great example of using technology and a website to further your career, as he as everything clearly laid out for anyone who needs it. 


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