Suzanne Golden

Suzanne Golden

Suzanne moved to Nottingham with her family in 2014 where she applied for a job at Backlit. She is currently a co-director and some of her responsibilities are fundraising, managing the counter and internship programme, and supporting the director. She is still a working artist, producing mainly fine art and illustration, incorporating themes of mental health and social perception. 

At BackLit she oversees multiple projects including REMARK (an independent online platform that celebrates art and cultural experiences through writing), Mental Health Toolkit and Art NEST. BackLit aims support people who are looking for their next adventure or experience, and to be part of a group. It was founded in 2008 as an artist-led space by Nottingham graduates and has evolved into an internationally renowned independent public gallery and cultural organisation. It is LGBTQ+ and Female led which cares about equity, inclusion, mental health, the environment and being a safe space for all. 

Suzanne recently received a 'Developing Your Own Practice Arts' Council Grant and is developing a body of work to show at the Institute of Mental Health in June 2023. It will be a series of portraits on handkerchiefs portraying eczema as well as the history behind handkerchiefs and women. 


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