Rosemary MacLennan


 Rosemary MacLennan


Rosemary started her higher education at Bilborough College, the same college I went to, to study Art, Theatre Studies and Art Textiles. She gained more qualifications in art and teaching, including a BA Hons in Art History, Diploma in Teaching and a Masters in Creative Collaborations. 
Through her extensive education and professional experience, she was able to provide the benefits of producing art to people less likely to get into it naturally, for example in care homes and the young people in her local community in Bulwell. 

Bulwell Tourist Association

Rosemary developed and ran the BTA from 2012-2014 and its aim was to collect stories from the local people through a stall in the local market and other pop-up locations. She then used these stories to inform a 'walking tour' of Bulwell. Although Bulwell isn't a small town (with a population of 29,771 as of 2011, it holds just over 10% of the Nottingham City's population), it is not a very well known and appreciated town. 

Bulwell however has gained a bad reputation from the surrounding towns for its high crime levels. Rosemary's work with the BTA and her other projects have been able to change the perspectives of outsiders, and allow Bulwell to have a second chance in the community.

52 Artists 4 Bulwell

Rosemary collaborated with 51 other artists who were each given a playing card to respond to and produce a piece of work. The pieces were then placed around Bulwell, within a community which does not often have access to it. The artworks were also printed onto the back of the playing cards, which were then used by local community groups. 


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