
Showing posts from December, 2022

History of Lace Production

 History of Lace Production Lace is believed to have originated in Venice and Flanders, with Venice being the home of needle lace and Flanders starting bobbin lace and made its throughout Europe in the mid 16th century.  In France, King Louis's XIV Finance Minister 'Jean-Baptiste Colbert' realised that French aristocrats were spending fortunes on handmade lace so he created the French Lace Market. He did this so he could divert some of the money made through the market to the kingdom, so the royals, and subsequently himself, could profit off of the booming lace markets.  Origin As lace had evolved from other techniques and practices, it's impossible to say exactly when and where it originated. Italians claim is a will of 1493 by the Milanese Sforza family and the Flemish claim is lace portrayed on the alb of a worshipping priest in a painting by Hans Flemming in 1485 (as shown below). Some historians believe that the manufacturing of lace started during Ancient Rome, ba

My Lace Collar

 My Lace Collar For my piece, I wanted to design something that looked realistic but also could fit in with the constraints I had. These were: the space available (small enough to fit inside the room in Newstead Abbey), the time-frame, the theme and safety (i.e. could not harm someone, such as children, if touched or played with).  I next had think about how my piece would fit into the existing exhibition in place at Newstead Abbey: Lace Places. We were reserved a single room in the Abbey, with other artists placing their pieces around the other rooms and corridors. This meant that I was able to create a pice that stood on its own, it didn't have to related or in response to another piece of art.  For my collar, as I previously stated, due to my restraints I decided to design on a simple and symmetrical design that focused on the scalloped edges that were present in so many historical collars. This is one example of a collar I looked at for inspiration. Although I wouldn't be a